Digital Adoption
October 4, 2024

Create Effective Training Content

Boost productivity, satisfaction, and retention through effective training. This guide includes audience analysis, objectives, multimedia, writing, and practice.

Create Effective Training Content

As GRAVITY Authors and content creators, it's our responsibility to develop high-quality training materials that engage learners, impart knowledge effectively, and facilitate skill development.

By creating training materials that resonate with users and meet their learning needs, we can drive better knowledge retention, skill application, and ultimately, a higher return on investment for the organization.

Common Training Content Pitfalls

Ineffective training content can be a massive drain on company resources without yielding desired results. According to a Harvard Business School study, companies waste billions of dollars annually on ineffective corporate training programs. Some common pitfalls include:

Lack of clear objectives: Training modules that lack well-defined goals fail to provide a focused learning experience. Without clear objectives, learners are left confused about what they should take away.

Too technical: Dense technical jargon and overly complex language can alienate learners and hinder comprehension. Training should use straightforward, conversational language.

Not engaging: Dry, text-heavy content fails to capture learners' attention and interest. Engaging multimedia formats and interactive elements are crucial for effective learning.

One-size-fits-all approach: Blanket training that doesn't account for different roles, experience levels, and learning styles ends up inadequately serving most learners.

Know Your Audience

To create effective training content, first understand your audience by creating detailed learner personas, noting their characteristics, backgrounds, and preferences. Create the corresponding GRAVITY Audiences to tailor your program to accommodate varying expertise levels by offering beginner, intermediate, and advanced content, ensuring relevancies for all learners.  

Remember, individuals have diverse learning styles. Include a mix of visual, auditory, and hands-on materials like text, images, videos, interactive exercises, and audio to cater to these preferences and keep users engaged.

Set Clear Learning Objectives

Creating effective training content hinges on defining clear, measurable learning objectives. These objectives should specify the skills or knowledge learners will acquire, according to Rebecca B. Orr et al. (2022) in their study: Writing and Using Learning Objectives. For each training module or lesson, set objectives that are specific, attainable, and outcome-focused, outlining exactly what participants will learn and how it will be assessed. Align these with your program's overarching goals for a unified learning journey that progressively achieves desired results. Review the progress of your goals in the GRAVITY Barycenter.

Use Multimedia Formats

Incorporating various multimedia formats into training enhances engagement and caters to diverse learning styles. Research from M.D. Abdulrahaman et al. (2020) shows that multimedia aids in understanding, engagement, and retention. Combine text with visuals, including images and infographics, and add videos, screencasts, and interactive elements like simulations or gamified activities. This mix appeals to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners by presenting information dynamically, boosting the learning experience, reinforcing concepts, and promoting knowledge retention. Utilize the various Content Types in GRAVITY to provide each Audience with the appropriate Content Type.

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Write in a Conversational Style

Effective training content should read like a friendly conversation, not a dry technical manual. Using an approachable, conversational tone helps users stay engaged and makes complex topics more digestible. Avoid overly formal or academic language that can alienate or intimidate learners.

Some tips for conversational writing include:

  • Using contractions and personal pronouns like "you" and "we"
  • Asking rhetorical questions to draw the reader in
  • Sprinkling in colloquial phrases and analogies
  • Varying sentence length and structure for a natural flow
  • Writing how you would speak to someone in person (Source)

For example, instead of "The user must navigate to the dashboard to access reporting functionality," try "To see your latest reports, just head over to the dashboard."

A lively, conversational style simply makes the content more enjoyable and relatable for learners. It creates a sense of connection that keeps users hooked and information sinking in.

Chunk and Sequence Content

Structured, chunked content enhances learning and retention by preventing cognitive overload, as noted by “The eLearning Coach”. To chunk effectively, distill content into key topics and skills organized into building-block modules focused on specific objectives. Sequencing should begin with foundational knowledge, advancing to more complex ideas. Incorporate real-world examples and scenarios to ground abstract concepts and underscore their practical relevance, aiding comprehension and memory.  

Ensure you select the correct Callout to convey information to your users. If in doubt, consult the "Which Callout type is the right one?" guide in the GRAVITY documentation.

Make it Visually Appealing

Effective visual design is key to engaging training content, emphasizing a clean, consistent style with plenty of white space to keep learners focused. Use images and graphics to support key points and improve readability. Sprout Labs highlights the importance of mastering basic design principles for effective learning visuals. Avoid clutter and excessive text, and carefully use contrast and cohesive styling to spotlight crucial information and unify the learning experience.

Continuously Improve

Keep training content fresh and relevant by regularly seeking learner feedback and adapting to industry trends. Update materials as your organization evolves, avoiding outdated Callouts and information. Set routine reviews (GRAVITY Statistics) to maintain current, effective content. Track KPIs like retention, skill usage, productivity, and user satisfaction to gauge and enhance training efficacy. Continuous updates keep learners engaged and well-prepared for success.

Summary and Call-to-Action

Creating effective training content is crucial for GRAVITY Authors to ensure their users can learn and retain the necessary knowledge and skills. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can significantly improve the quality and impact of your training materials.

Recap the key takeaways:

  • Use Audiences: Know your audience and tailor content to their needs, roles, and learning styles.
  • Set clear learning objectives to guide the content and align with overall training goals.
  • Use different Content Types: Use a variety of multimedia formats to cater to different preferences and make the content more engaging.
  • Write in a conversational, approachable tone to improve comprehension and keep users interested.
  • Chunk and sequence content logically to facilitate better understanding and retention.
  • Design visually appealing content with relevant imagery, and consistent look and feel.
  • Use GRAVITY Statistics: Continuously gather feedback and iterate on your content to ensure it remains effective and up to date.

Implementing these suggestions will help you craft training content that engages users, boosts learning, and aids in achieving their goals. Investing in quality, compelling text and multimedia material will yield significant benefits in user satisfaction, knowledge retention, and training success.

Christoph Müller

Christoph Müller

For years I used corporate Intranets in the workplace, experiencing firsthand that traditional learning formats for IT rollouts and employee onboarding do not work. I developed GRAVITY software to tackle this challenge. Employees are happier because learning is simple and effective; businesses are happier because their IT rollouts are successful and cost a lot less than before.