AI Content Integration

In the digital age, real-time access to accurate information is the cornerstone of efficiency and performance. GRAVITY AI-Assist is the next evolutionary step in real-time content integration, setting a new standard for data interaction and utilization across all applications. With AI-Assist, you can seamlessly translate on-screen information into actionable insights within any application, maximizing productivity, and minimizing disruption.

Indicators on the right show actual results from some of our customers.

AI Content Integration
Enhanced Customer Experiences

Efficient Data Transfer

Directly pull content displayed on your screen, and integrate it with AI services, bypassing the need for manual entry or switching between tools.

Precise Information Processing

AI-Assist reads web page content that users select, crafts prompts, and processes them seamlessly, ensuring data accuracy and reducing errors.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Performance Enhancement everywhere

Easily create and integrate multiple types of AI-Assist content through a straightforward, no-code approach in your application.

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Enhanced Customer Experiences


relevant data

Enhanced Customer Experiences

GRAVITY AI-Assist empowers organizations to harness real-time data for a deeper understanding of customer needs, enabling the delivery of tailored interactions that elevate the customer experience.

Enhanced Operational Efficiency


more productive

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

AI-Assist automates and accelerates the extraction and processing of real-time data across various platforms and applications. This immediate access to data facilitates quicker response times and more informed decision-making processes, boosting overall operational efficiency.

Error Reduction Through Intelligent Data Handling


less User Errors

Error Reduction Through Intelligent Data Handling

By leveraging AI-Assist's content processing capabilities, organizations can substantially minimize human errors in data interpretation. The result is enhanced data quality that underpins every business decision.

Cost-Efficient Knowledge Dissemination



Cost-Efficient Knowledge Dissemination

AI-Assist offers a cost-effective solution to the traditional challenges of knowledge and information acquiring. By delivering the right information at the right time, GRAVITY AI-Assist diminishes the need for extensive training, reduces the reliance on data in other applications, and cuts down on the resources spent on licenses.

Adrian Meier

Adrian Meier

Digital Project Manager at Sanitas Troesch

With GRAVITY as an integral part of user onboarding and engagement management, we have been able to maximize the impact BSI CRM has. Release management, in particular, becomes much more effective when you use GRAVITY.